Role of A Life Coach

We ALL always have room for growth, for improvement, for ways to reach higher and achieve more. If this resonates with you, and you've been looking for a way to transform key areas of your life, we should ...

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About Irene Nizzero

Her life’s passion is in getting others excited about reaching their potential, whether it’s in their role in the corporate world or in a specific aspect of their personal lives. She creates an environment where clients make significant strides toward achieving that potential ...


Various topics are available, including “Resilience and Flourishing in Life and Work”; “Create More Meaning at Work”; “Turning Potential into Reality”; “Sleep as Your Superpower”, and more. With humour and a personal touch, Irene shares ...

Contact Irene

Send Irene a message with any questions, comments or inquiries.  She'll make every effort to be in touch with you within the same or next business day.  You can also find more about fee structure, courses and workshops.