The Role of the Life Coach


Most people are familiar with coaching in the sports world. The person with the critical eye lends his or her expertise toward the guidance and development of the athlete in training.

The coach doesn’t have skills that are superior to the person being trained, but has the ability to step back and see where improvements can be made, carefully directing and encouraging forward movement and growth by breaking down the steps to achieve such improvements.

In many respects, the life coach’s role is the same. It includes asking the right questions, causing our clients to pause and consider those skills that they already have and can bring to bear on a situation that they want to change.

We operate from the perspective that our clients are whole and fully capable individuals, who are managing their lives well in general, but who may be stuck in one or more areas.

They may feel they aren’t achieving their full potential, but aren’t certain of the best methods to make changes. With a solutions-focused approach, and in full partnership, the coach and client work together to uncover the strategy that will allow change to happen.

When accountability is added, the results are almost immediate.

“I had the good fortune to work with Irene Nizzero as an Executive Coach over a period of months.  During that time, Irene helped me to refocus my energy and attention into the most impactful parts of my work in an effort to move our organization forward.  Her ability to listen and ask the right questions, as well as to guide me towards action was so appreciated, and showcased why she is such an effective coach.”


Life coaching can be transformational in significant and profound ways. I am thrilled to have entered into this realm of being of service to others. I have experienced first-hand the benefits of coaching, and will continue to do so as my training continues. The techniques work!

We ALL always have room for growth, for improvement, for ways to reach higher and achieve more.

If this resonates with you, and you've been looking for a way to transform key areas of your life, we should talk.

Positive Psychology & Coaching


Psychology has historically focused on weaknesses or flaws in human behavior and thinking. While this focus has led to important therapeutic practices and interventions, there is much more to the human story.

The establishment of the relatively new field of positive psychology is attributed to Martin Seligman who has led the charge in exploring human nature at its best.

Research in this area has helped us understand what makes people resilient, optimistic, or generous. Practical interventions stemming from this research can help individuals and groups experience greater satisfaction in life and in business.

Coaching that incorporates Positive Psychology principles is considered to be among the most proactive and empowering. This is the kind of strengths-based coaching that Irene engages in with her clients.

They leave her sessions with increased confidence, ready to push themselves out of their comfort zones and take steps toward the growth and change they have been only contemplating, at best.